Why I am writing a blog

1 September, 2019

2 mins
It's great to have you here, hope we will have a good journey onwards.
I am a Developer based in Bangalore, India. I have a passion for developing intuitive web and mobile experiences for the next generation consumer-facing companies. My jam is JavaScript.
I have learned most of the development and programming by reading resourceful articles from tech websites, the blog posts by fellow community members. These articles have helped me understand the nuances, fundamentals and sometimes pretty complex nature of programming, I especially like blog posts that walk me through the how what and why of any concept, pattern or problem.
Lately, I have started to document my progress and challenges while working on a project. I have come to an understanding that documenting something into a detailed, readable, shareable article helps me a lot to grow as a developer and look deeper into the problems I am working with.
Inspired by many great community members, I have decided to share my experience as a developer, into a blog. I will be writing about my successes and failures, there would be a lot of knowledge sharing happening here. I hope by doing this I will be able to contribute back to the community in my possible limits.
I don't know, what will be the frequency of the posts coming in but I will try my best to not leave this effort of mine in the middle of nowhere as I have a habit of doing so with my side projects.
I would love to receive suggestions for a topic from you lovely folks, the amazing readers, you can drop them in my DMs and feel free to discuss anything from my posts. You can reach out to me at Twitter
Thank You