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Web Caching, a quick guide

publish date

1 November, 2021

read time

7 mins

coverSource: Unsplash by @alireza_attari

Welcome to our blog on web caching, where we embark on a journey to build lightning-fast web apps that stand out in the vast and competitive realm of the internet. In a world filled with abundant content and countless options for end-users, the key to winning their hearts lies in ensuring an exceptional user experience. No matter how remarkable your services may be, users today demand one vital feature above all else: an immediate response. They yearn for fast feedback and have grown increasingly impatient, giving your web app a mere 2-3 seconds to impress before moving on. As daunting as this may sound, we have the tools and techniques to tackle this challenge head-on.

The time taken for a page to load is result of so many factors like parsing and execution of JS scripts, loading of assets like(images, fonts, css), data fetching etc. By reducing page load time we have a way to improve the user experience and meet their expectations. One of the most powerful solutions at our disposal is caching, a technique that can significantly enhance response times and revolutionize the way users interact with our applications. So, why wait? Let's delve into the world of web caching and unleash the true potential of our web apps.

When it comes to web performance and app optimization, caching is one of the common solutions you cannot overlook, caching is something which is built into Browsers and HTTP requests and is natively available to the developers to integrate into our app without much configuration overhead, lets learn when & how to use it.

What is caching,

Take a look at your desk and you will find some commonly used items there, like pens, notepad, snack bars, water bottle, mobile charger etc. Since your desk has a limited space you only keep stuff which you find important and frequently used on it, while the other stuff you keep in cupboard or somewhere nearby, your fridge 😉.

So in above setup when you feel thirsty you don't always have to getup and walk to kitchen to drink water, you can simply grab the bottle on your desk. This definitely saves us time and effort.

Caching is also something similar, its concept when you store a copy of the frequently used data closest to your user to avoid the re-fetching. In caching we tend to identify data which we know won't change that often or data that is repeatedly accessed by user to near proximity of the access point that is our application. The data i.e. stored or copied during caching is know as cache.

A desk setup as a cache store is very contrived example but it helps with mental model. 🤷‍♂️

Its not only about response time, caching also help us with

Note ✍🏽When implementing caching its should be known not all request happening from client will be captured at server thus server metric will not give true picture of client behavior.


Before moving on with the implementing caching lets understand where in our architecture we can have a cache store. Caching can be introduced at multiple levels of an app ecosystem,


When the request is retrieved from the cache, we have a cache hit, whereas if the cache can’t fulfill the request, we have a cache miss. When we are using the stored data instead of fetching it on every usage, we should be aware of its state on the network

Working with the Caching

The browser inspects the headers of the HTTP response generated by the web server, to decide which request response it should cache in the system.


Expire header can be seen in many sites, it was introduced in HTTP 1.0 but it's not very common today,

Cache Control

Introduced in HTTP 1.1 which accepts comma-delimited string that outlines the specific rules, called directives. The Cache-control header allows you to set whether to cache or not and the duration of the cache.

Before HTML5, meta tags were used inside HTML to specify cache-control. This is not encouraged now as only browsers will be able to parse the meta tag and understand it. Intermediate caches(proxy servers, cdns) won’t.

Note ✍🏽Browser won’t make a call to the origin regardless of whether the content has changed or not till the cache is not expired or invalidated.


Note ✍🏽Sometimes, when using caching we had to serve user with stale content.

Out of the box solution to scale

Since caching is such a powerful optimizations technique, web/app architecture have a layer for caching and this layer is occupied by Content Delivery Networks(CDN).


A content delivery network (CDN) is a group of geographically distributed servers, also known as points of presence (POP). CDNs are used to cache static content closer to consumers. This reduces the latency between the consumer and the content or data needed

CDN Example

A CDN can achieve scalable content delivery by distributing load among its servers, by serving client requests from servers that are close to requesters, and by bypassing congested network paths.

CDN Cache Hit Ratio, this is the amount of traffic, both total bandwidth and sheer number of transactions, that can be handled by the cache nodes versus the number that gets passed back to your origin servers.

CDN offload = (offloaded responses / total requests)

Origin servers still have an important function to play when using a CDN, as important server-side code such as a database of hashed client credentials used for authentication, typically is maintained at the origin.

So know we know web caching comes at multiple layers and it help us improve our app performance and reduce operation cost. If your site uses static content then its a must to have solution for your web app. See how frequent and redundant those https calls are and accordingly add caching into your application arch. Lets give the user a better experience, Adios 👋
